- Judith_IP: @docracy tracks terms of service, and privacy policy terms & changes for hundreds of sites. What a fabulous service. http://t.co/PBAdWoXa
- Judith_IP: #WeeklyAwesome: A busy and productive week. Looking forward to farmers market and gaming with friends for the weekend. Life is busy & good.
- Judith_IP: #Obama's nominee to the #CAFC, Raymond Chen, has 13 years experience @USPTO, as its solicitor. Interesting choice. http://t.co/nTKZojGb
- Judith_IP: #SCU's High tech journal #CHTLJ has its symposum on Mobile & the Law (licensing, privacy, patent wars) 2/22/2013. http://t.co/OM4oqx2K
- Judith_IP: In a test of outside counsel tech skills by Kia Motors, everyone flunks it. Worth a read. http://t.co/R5XEJtGP via @LawTechNews
- Judith_IP: Turn an idea into reality: "find lode star, poke holes in your business plan, find loyal people." per @Sara_Horowitz http://t.co/6PdAwQmB
- Judith_IP: @ATLBlog has reasons why you don't want to become GC. http://t.co/wTM4IGPQ I hate meetings, esp. budget meetings, so I will never be GC.
- Judith_IP: Comparison of various search tools for #patent caselaw. #Westlaw wins. As the author notes, I start with the treatise. http://t.co/gtiEYuZS
- Judith_IP: #MondayInspiration: Valerie Taylor, an IEEE Fellow. Engineer, professor, and mentor of women & minorities in tech. http://t.co/hqWIUiLy
- Judith_IP: The laws that will govern online #identity are being written now by #NSTIC Learn more: http://t.co/5Uex0T5B Join: http://t.co/ZrsbLJSp
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